Some people are confused with my approach because I always talk about optics on one hand, but then people will see me trolling with Hitler on the other. Let me explain what I’m doing.
Because the jews have demonized Hitler so much, and use him to maintain their cancel culture, he has ironically become a symbol of freedom of speech — a symbol which can be used to destroy all of their narratives. But you must use him correctly, otherwise, he can be used to reinforce jewish supremacy. Below, I’ll explain how you should use him, and if you follow my lead, you’ll wake up more people than you could ever imagine.
Stick to the Facts
Firstly, I don’t state anything but facts about him: I’m not worshiping the guy, nor making vague generalizations about him; I state specifics. Sayings things like “Hitler was right!” doesn’t do anything but cause trouble, because you’re not specifying what he was right about. Are you saying he was right about exterminating 60 gorillion jews? Well, that’s the first thing people think when you make that statement — that you’re justifying genocide, and he was right to do it. However, if you say “Hitler was right about the jewish Bolsheviks,” that will lead people to examine your claim and find out his charges against the jews are irrefutable facts even they admit.
Here is a video I made for Tik Tok of jews admitting they were behind Communism — which got me suspended, of course:
No LARPing
You’ve never see me post “Heil Hitler,” or anything of that nature, because that would be absolutely cringe and unoptical: the man’s dead, and we aren’t Germans in the 1930’s living under the NSDAP government. Saying “Heil Hitler” is as silly as saying “Hail Caesar,” while LARPing as a Roman soldier. The only things you should be saying about Hitler, are truths that have been kept from the public.
The reason our cause has been set back decades, is precisely because of the Spergs and LARPers running around in uniforms, doing straight-armed salutes, and bearing swastikas on their flags, while being the dumbest of our race. We don’t need to do any of that, nor is it appropriate to do so, since we live in a different time, and our struggle is much different from that of the German National Socialists.
Although we have the same enemy, we have to come up with our own political systems and symbolism to represent the unique struggle in our day; and due to globalization, each people have to come up with different solutions to their different problems, in their different countries: there is no one-size-fits-all solution anymore.
Why Mention Him at All?
When it comes to the pyramid of political correctness, Hitler is at the top — he’s the final boss — since the entirety of Cancel Culture is basically built upon him, and the fear of another version of him returning. This is why everyone is called Hitler: Saddam was Hitler; Gaddafi was Hitler; Xi is Hitler; Putin is Hitler; Trump is Hitler, and so on, because jews have convinced all Gentiles that the worst person in history is Hitler.
Cancel Culture, which was created by jews, is reinforced with the “Hollywood Hitler” narrative; thus, the entire point of using Hitler correctly is turning their greatest weapon against itself. This is done by repeatedly exposing him to the public in a different light, which can be done with humanizing pictures, funny memes, and jokes about him, showing the aesthetics and order of NS Germany, but most importantly, sharing what he said in his own words. The main reason all these AI videos of Hitler translated in English are going viral, is precisely because 99% of humanity never knew what he was actually saying, and they are shocked to hear the truth come out of him.
How I do it
People think I’m a hypocrite for constantly bashing the Spergs and LARPers when they use the same material as I do; but the reality is, they don’t know how to use it, so it backfires on them. Think of it like courtship: it’s not what you say, but how you say it.
When you’re flirting with the opposite sex, there is a wooing process. You can’t just tell someone you want to have sex with them; it’s creepy and a turn off. Why? Because it means you don’t get it; and that’s because you have no game. The Spergs and LARPers have no game, because they are anti-social and don’t understand human psychology and social dynamics. And just like a man who doesn’t understand how to woo women won’t spread his seed, the Spergs and LARPers who don’t understand psychology and social dynamics, won’t spread their message.
So, let me show you how I do it to bypass human defense mechanisms and get people to see Hitler in a different light. Here are three examples of how I used him to go viral a few times:
This is a video I made that got 7.4 million views. It is a compilation of film clips of Germany under Hitler’s rule. The beauty of their aesthetics and order is undeniable, and their effects were made more profound because I used a very popular and catchy song, After Dark by Mr. Kitty, as the soundtrack.
Here’s an example of using Hitler as a joke, which points people to jewish supremacy, and shows Hitler was also against it.
Here’s another where I posted a Hitler speech with English subtitles that went viral with 3.6 million views.
It doesn’t matter whether someone believes in the Hollywood Hitler narrative or not, or if they believe in the official Holocaust™ narrative or not; our job is to simply plant the seeds of truth, and let Nature run her course. Eventually, the People will see the truth, just as we did. But it takes time, repetition, and the proper strategy in order to break through the enemy’s matrix, so make sure you do it right.
You're doing an excellent job using Hitler in the best ways; thanks for instructing others on how to do the same!
yes and no. goys just wanna have fun. sheeple are jabbed and doomed. the only thing the jew understands is violence. tripping their pre traumatic stress syndrome might lead them to make mistakes. from each according to their ability, and inclination. they have gone so far, including the jabs, it is almost MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. they do not care how much people wake up. all the more agitation for a revolution. 'if my sons do not want war, there will be no war' and it's corollary, if they want war there will be war, or as CAFitts put it, get the Civil War they are seeking. Heil Jemand! (health to anybody)