I find humor is good against joodoo voodoo.

laugh at the devil and shame him

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The key issue is RACE , and that's a tough one to sell in these dark days. Try to talk Anthropology, Zoology, biology to the masses !

I've got a great book by an Anthropologist: anatomy of the race problem.

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I identify, at least this week, as a transparent (not tranceparent), and accordingly I am a person of no color. To see me is to deny me. To wrap me in bandages or throw white paint over me is a Holocaust to me. To hold a mirror up to me is simply hateful.

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Great article, thanks.

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Amen...truth and fearlessness..Deus Vult!

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Thanks for the link to the logical fallacies website. It's great the way it spells it all out (oops, pun not intended!).

Oh, and great article too! I think it will take some practise for me, but I'm curious to try "reverse spell casting."

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Or maybe 2k yrs of Christianity has entered our genetic makeup, making is genetic fools

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We support Mr.Gage. We intuit He is striving to do his best..to elucidate..analyse..provide solution- spring boads..to provide some answers ..thought process... improvements and hope for those who will soon come out from under the wicked Jewish spell...the false Jewish lens..that hideous strength...

the wicked vile reprobate schizoid Jewish myopic lens....There are real and semantic and spiritual schisms though..we aren't Roman Catholics ..we aren't dead protestant neoliberal.s.we don't support any cult..sectarian or occult.We intuit Mr.Gage s intent ..is..somewhat scientific objectification ....idealistic or not..a struggle for pragmatic solutions to teach millions entrapped ..entranced..bedazzled.befuddled...and

.flummoxed by millenia of what is now an asymetrical confluence of Talmud..kabala debt slavery Jewish 5th columnist sedition.....and the newest incarnation of judaeo--Bokshevism...or..in our perspective...the root and delivery system mechanism for ultra Jewish google-,gulag-vile technofacism..We don't expect most golden hearted white nationalists on day one..to ..heal the sick..cast out demons .give sight to the blind..walk one water......and give truth freely to all who seek it...but we respectfully remind all..there are Darwinian white nationalists..Catholic white nationalists atheist white nationalists..Non -sectarian

Christian white nationalists...but there is No Jewish --white Nationalists** .........

That very much needs to be said..so ..we did".We understand the antipathy to* fake -or

mis guided. *churchianity*.... we don't make the cardinal error of blaming Allmighty Jesus Christ..who is Not A Jew--.for failed churches..Roman or not....--- but we absolutely know. Allmighty Jesus Christ i s Very Much alive**.. In any case... We agree with Mr.Gage s. excellent point..to..unify our friends respectfully..intelligently..carefully .that is..with discretion and clear putpose....to join all who oppose the Synagogue Of Satan..in every iteration..in every shade..hue..incarnation... succeeds...but oppression from The Jews expands ..patience is difficult..to this day..America s golden calf is..*Jew worship**.

We ridicule all their false zircon Jew godz..we see their zircon godz" as diverse incarnations of Satan.. call it..old slewfoot

Hobbes..baphomet..Morlock ..moloch..Schneerson....kushner.....or some Jewdevil variant of solomon the demon summoner..Jacob frank..tsabbatai levy -tsvi... or the hideous hook nosed pack rat deceiver menachem mendle schneerson..the hero of trumprat..Jared.. and javanka ..kushner. the former punk rocker turned Jew Satan cult devotee....and the hero of rabbi butt plug...***schmuely boteach..."...or the Jew jack the ripper or the ultra Jewish scientology cult...i...at the end of the day..is .."one and the same....murderous..deceptive...grift...*.. Whether you think of nimrod..Judas Iscariot..30ipieces of silver..the golden calf..or Theodore Herzl...Geinrich Yagoda..lazar kaganovich..Bella Cohen..renamed Bella Kuhn......or .Leo frank who raped and murdered Mary phagan....up to

Julius and Ethel rosenberg..Kissinger...or Bernie madoff... geveer ..soros..smotrich..Satanyahoo..marina abramovitch..Kolomoisekey or zelensky...it makes no difference..as..it is..what it is*.

Links for those who don't know....please don't make more or less than..what it is"...Henry Ford Nikola Tesla..William Luther Pierce..James Wickstrom..Prof KM...David James .everyone has something of real value to say... Great commentary Lucas.**

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This is exactly right.

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